Catilinarische Existenz
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Beneath Two Trees

In the age after the great Yeren fell on the Day of Flowers, in the days before the Flood, there was a man who lived in the West of the world, in the region between two rivers, and his name was Adam. читать дальше


Из текста как-то между строк читается, в чём был грех Хавы (Евы), её уступка соблазну. Убитый братом Авель воскрес не сам по себе — его вернула к жизни мать, использовав запретное колдовство, которому научил её Змей. Хава не смирилась с потерей сразу двоих сыновей, решила вернуть хотя бы убитого, если не убийцу... но Авель вернулся, как водится, не таким. Побывав на том свете, он слишком много узнал и был теперь мрачен и холоден к близким. Запретное воскрешение оставило на нём следы, за которые потом зацепились жрецы дэва, чтобы поработить его, сделать своим орудием. Как-то так:

“Arise, Hevel-Ab-Leshal!” A new song threads its way through his fractured skull, washing over his mind. He has never heard a song like this before, a subtle undercurrent in his mind, always.

And then it gets louder, and louder, until he could ignore it no longer.

Abel gasps and opens his eyes, and realizes he is floating in a pool of blood.

Over him stands a tall woman, far taller than anyone he has ever seen before. Taller even than him. Her skin was so pale she could have been a ghost, and when she looked at him, he saw her eyes were black as pitch, with no whites or iris. Just blackness.

The song is there, in the back of his head. Thumping against the inside of his skull and outside his skull and all around him, sung by the woman and her myriad of accomplices all around him, each of them varying in shape and size, with blood red eyes and horns and sharp little teeth—

Hell. Abel is in Hell.

The woman grins, and bares her needle-like teeth at him. “Welcome back, Ab-Leshal.”


Hevel-Ab-Leshal sings a song of his own. A great melody of destruction across the continent to the tune of the screams of his enemies. Men, women, children. It didn’t matter. Each would rise and join the chorus in turn, a song of agony and conquest—the song of the Daevic Covenant. His was merely an instrument, a tool to be used to get the melody just right.

He can feel it lapping at the edges of his consciousness, driving him further and further to the edge. The song and the collar and the weapons attached to his shackles with chains. An instrument for the Daevic Covenant’s grand orchestra.

And whenever he falls, they sing him back to life. Guiding his soul back to his mausoleum, where he would wait in his coffin until his body was ready, an instrument being crafted anew. And then he would play again for the empire, pushing the incursion ever deeper into enemy territory.


@темы: SCP